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Vitiligo Heilung & Therapie in 2022

Treat & treat Vitiligo 2022

Vitiligo Diagnose


In most cases, observing the skin with the eyes is enough for the doctor to conclude on Vitiligo. Otherwise, further investigations help to secure the finding.


Most of the time, the doctor recognizes vitiligo based on the typical signs. Nevertheless, he will want to examine the patient thoroughly and also ask questions so that he can rule out other reasons for the skin changes with certainty. Sometimes the skin spots also form after skin fungal infections or as a result of chronically recurring skin rashes (eczema).


It should be interesting when and under what circumstances the white spots appeared - whether, for example, severe sunburn, skin injuries, or stressful emotional things happened. The skin expert also inquires whether cases of Vitiligo have occurred in the relatives - this would be a possible sign of a family predisposition of Vitiligo.


An eye exam is advisable.

Because the vitiligo the eyes sometimes


Blood tests are also important to identify concomitant diseases such as diabetes or thyroid dysfunction.

Vitiligo Diagnose
Ursachen von Vitiligo
Ursachen von Vitiligo

Causes of Vitiligo

Causes of white spot disease

The exact cause of vitiligo (white spot disease) is not known.

Stress and a genetic predisposition are most likely linked to the skin disease.


The exact cause behind vitiligo is not exactly known. However, because cases of vitiligo tend to cluster within family members, experts believe that hereditary factors may play a role. However, vitiligo is not passed directly from parents to children. Only the predisposition for the pigment disorder can be passed on. The risk of disease increases when close relatives are affected. However, vitiligo does not necessarily have to occur.


What happens in the skin with Vitiligo?

There are specialized cells in the skin called melanocytes.

They form the skin pigments (melanin) that give the skin its color tones. The color of the hair and the color of the eyes are also caused by melanin.

When we are in the sun, the melanocytes produce more melanin.

The skin turns brown - and is then better protected from the sun's harmful UV rays.


In vitiligo, melanin production decreases in some areas of the skin.

Why this happens is not known for sure.

There are different theories for this, for which different results from Vitiligo research speak.

However, none of the theories has been proven with certainty:


Self-Aggression Hypothesis:

According to this theory, the cell metabolism of the pigment cell is not error-free in vitiligo. Accordingly, some cell toxins and enzymes destroy the melanocytes.


Autoimmune reasons: The immune system actually distinguishes between foreign and endogenous substances. In the case of vitiligo, the immune system may consider proteins on the surface of the pigment cells to be foreign and dangerous. As a result, so-called defense proteins or antibodies form, which fight against the melanocytes. Certain defense cells also attack the melanocytes and subsequently destroy them.


The neurogenic hypothesis: Presumably, psychological or physical stress leads to the nerve cells releasing some substances that activate the immune system. As a result, the melanocytes could die.


Those affected often explain that their vitiligo occurred or was aggravated in connection with psychological stress.

Sunburn or skin injuries in particular favor the disease from time to time.

The white patches on the skin can also appear on skin areas that are often subject to friction or pressure. For example when shaving.


Vitiligo probably occurs in connection with some autoimmune diseases such as thyroid dysfunction.

The same applies to hypofunction of the parathyroid gland or type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Vaccination as a trigger of Vitiligo

In people with vitiligo, the immune system can sometimes no longer distinguish between "good" and "bad" substances. The immune system considers proteins on the surface of the pigment cells to be foreign and fights them. Antibodies are formed which attack the melanocytes. Weakened or killed pathogens are injected through vaccinations. The defense system could get confused and can no longer distinguish between "good and bad".

Impfung Auslöser von Vitiligo
Impfung Auslöser von Vitiligo

Vaccinations could be vitiligo triggers

Symptome von Vitiligo weiße Flecken auf der Haut


The signs of vitiligo

Symptome von Vitiligo

The symptoms of vitiligo are large or isolated patches of white skin all over the body or just in a few places (face, hands, feet). Sometimes the hair growing on the affected areas of the skin turns white. Sometimes itching occurs when new spots form.


Skin experts distinguish different forms of vitiligo:

In the corresponding skin areas, the pigmentation is reduced or completely absent and thus depigmented.


Generalized form of vitiligo

The final pigmentation in vitiligo can also be distributed over the entire body (the so-called generalized form).

The same generalized form is divided into two sub-forms:


Vitiligo acrofacialis (face, body ends such as feet, hands, nose and chin) :

In this type of vitiligo   the spots are mostly on the face. The places around the eyes and mouth are particularly striking because of the white areas that are similar to maps.

In addition, hands and feet are often affected.


Vitiligo vulgaris: This is the   most numerous type of vitiligo. The white and uneven patches can be seen distributed over the entire skin surface.

Even on the mucous membranes and also on the hairy skin (head, eyelashes or eyebrows) the pigmented areas of the skin can be seen.

Because the melanin (dye) produced by the pigment cells is also responsible for coloring the hair, the hair in the affected areas is also white.


Localized form of vitiligo

In some cases, the white spots are limited to individual areas of the skin (so-called localized form).

You can see this on areas where the skin was injured, for example on scars from cuts.


By default, the skin in vitiligo is the same in structure.

The surface of the skin remains functional in vitiligo and can only be distinguished from normal pigmented skin in terms of color.

A reddish-looking edge seam forms quite seldom along the white areas. Patients quite often observe that the spots develop quite symmetrically on both sides of the body.


Vitiligo is not contagious. Internal organs are not affected by Vitiligo.

However, the visible skin changes sometimes lead to mental stress, especially in the case of a very pronounced form.


In some cases Vitiligo is also accompanied by other diseases, e.g.:


inflammation of the eyes

Overactive or underactive thyroid

A special type of diabetes

Particular type of anemia

Vitiligo Therapie und Behandlung in Deutschland

Relaxing helps against Vitiligo

Treat & treat Vitiligo 2022

People often try to eliminate white spot disease with light therapies.

According to the latest studies, radiotherapy is not without health risks and does not always promise a cure.

Medicines in the form of ointments or creams are also often an option.

These are intended to stimulate the formation of new skin pigment.

Vitiligo behandeln & therapieren 2022
Vitiligo Therapie Bestrahlung

Some radiation therapies are included

associated health risks.

There are some therapeutic approaches against Vitiligo. These can slow down the progression of the same and reignite melanin on the white areas of the skin.

Whether this will be successful or whether the new pigments will be retained over the long term cannot be predicted in each individual case.

For many of those affected, the cosmetic effects of white spot disease therapy are not satisfactory.

Those affected should discuss in detail with their skin expert which option seems best in their case, what advantages and disadvantages the treatment can have and what the bill will be.


Living with Vitiligo

The course of vitiligo is difficult to predict. In most cases, the skin change is progressive; sometimes this remains limited to one area. The white spot disease usually causes no health problems. The incisions are more to be observed in connection with possible concomitant diseases such as thyroid disorders.


People with vitiligo are not particularly restricted in their everyday life. However, some people find Vitiligo visually disturbing.

Waterproof cover creams (camouflage + fixing powder) help to hide the white spots.


In everyday life, Vitiligo patients unfortunately still have to deal with prejudices in their environment.

The sometimes very conspicuous areas can attract some looks. Some people think it could be an infectious disease.


Vitiligo is not contagious!

The exchange of experiences with other affected people, for example via self-help groups, can be very helpful.

In some cases, psychological support is advisable.


Most important: sun protection

When the skin pigments disappear, the skin loses its protection against UV rays in the respective areas.

Unlike normal skin, the white patches of skin do not darken when exposed to the sun.

The color contrast to the rest of the skin is therefore all the greater. The light areas are therefore more noticeable than with an untanned complexion.

That's why it makes sense to make sure you have good sun protection - especially in the warmer months and when the sun is strong.

You should use creams with a very high protection factor and also very good and protective clothing. Prolonged stays in the sun should be avoided.


Phototherapy – with or without medication

If the vitiligo affects numerous skin areas in different places, observed phototherapy in the dermatologist's office can sometimes be useful. The expert irradiates the white areas of the skin with UV light of a specific wavelength for several months. Narrow-spectrum UV-B rays are also often used.


Newer therapies for vitiligo is treatment with a 308nm excimer laser or xenon chloride laser. The area is irradiated with light of a uniform wavelength.

The aim is to stimulate the skin pigment to produce new pigments. The advantage of therapy with the xenon chloride laser is that the light radiation acts very specifically on the affected areas. Unfortunately, the treatment is not effective for all those affected, and is very time-consuming and expensive.


Another treatment option for vitiligo is the so-called PUVA therapy. The affected area is creamed with a cream that increases the skin's sensitivity to light. This is followed by controlled irradiation with UV-A rays.


According to recent studies, radiotherapy is unfortunately often associated with health risks. Therefore, one should go astray.


Other drugs & active ingredients

Active ingredients such as calcipotriol, cortisone, or pseudocatalase (often in connection with climatotherapy at the Dead Sea) are sometimes used in vitiligo. They are often applied to the skin in the form of creams and can also be combined with phototherapy.


Because an excessive reaction of the immune system can play a role in vitiligo, in very severe cases drugs that influence the patient's defense system can also be considered. However, the effectiveness of this form in vitiligo has not been scientifically investigated.

Because of possible side effects, this is not generally recommended for patients with vitiligo.


Other treatment options for white spots on the skin


In some vitiligo therapy clinics, doctors transplant healthy skin to the diseased areas of the skin. Or the experts use melanocytes from healthy skin of the affected person on the affected skin areas, which were previously cultivated in the test tube. There are still no long-term experiences with these treatments or healing. That's why you can't recommend them in general, just like bleaching healthy skin. To achieve optical harmony against white spots on the skin.


– Irradiation with ultraviolet light

– transplant

– Color balance

- Camouflage

– medication

– Psychotherapy

Prominent people (stars) with Vitiligo

Stars mt Vitiligo
Stars mit Vitiligo Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson suffered from Vitiligo

There are some celebrities who also suffer or have suffered from Vitiligo.

The world's most famous is the "King of Pop" Michael Jackson. When Michael was alive, not many people knew about Vitiligo. The press speculated that Michael Jackson had his skin bleached to become white. Apparently he didn't want to be colored anymore. Michael always emphasized that he has vitiligo. When the megastar died, it was proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he did in fact suffer from Vitiligo.

Due to the speculation about Michael Jackson, Vitiligo was on everyone's lips and people dealt with it. This revealed that many people already had vitiligo at that time.

There are a lot of Vitiligo pictures on the internet. Also from the skin of Michael Jackson but also from another famous person with Vitiligo.

Stars mit Vitiligo Winnie Harlow

Winnie Harlow – A model with vitiligo

Winnie Harlow is a model who also has Vitiligo and has often thought about treating her skin condition.

Even as a small child, Winnie suffered immensely from vitiligo and went through a lot. She was often teased and insulted. Winnie Harlow is now making a great career and has a global presence.

Vitiligo model Winnie Harlow has turned her so-called weakness into a strength and made the most of it. Today she is a famous model. On her face and arms, the white patches on the skin are very clearly visible.

Vitiligo can occur in all layers and can therefore occur in anyone.

For this reason, no one has to hide because of it. The white spot disease can now be treated well. A cure is possible. The important thing is that you choose the right remedy and use it regularly. And otherwise, a healthy lifestyle is very beneficial and vitiligo can still be treated and cured well in 2022.

Vitiligo Cure & Therapy in 2022

Dermatologists are increasingly recommending Xemodan. All Xemodan products are recommended and suitable for Vitiligo therapy and healing. The currently most innovative development is the

Further development of Xemodan Pur. You can find them here: Xemodan Innovation

Vitiligo Heilung & Therapie in 2022
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